Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Studio for SMP!!!

Before we left for Thailand I was driving through Broad Ripple and it happened...the clouds parted, the sunbeams came down, music came out of no where and the butterflies lifted my car and flew me right down the street to where the halo of light was shining down on the most perfect VACANT location to make the new home for Sara Morris Photography. I made calls, sent emails, harassed my friend who works for the landlord, and basically begged and pleeded for the chance to take a glimpse inside. And, then we had to leave the country!!! I was convinced I would return to find a new, fancy business had moved in and swept away my dream. Then near the end of the trip I received an email back that they would love to show me the space! So, after months of wishing, talking, emailing and contemplating, the lease has been signed and SMP has a new studio and home! There is plenty of work to be done, but it has all been so exciting. Meeting with the floor guy tomorrow, the painter Thursday, and so on. I hope to be open officially sometime in June!

It's located in Broad Ripple on the back street of Westfield. Shares a parking lot with French Pharmacie and Petite Chou. RSVP use to be located there. If you head south on College towards Broad Ripple Avenue, turn left on the one way street just before you get to Broad Ripple Ave, pass by Bazbeaux, Midtown Grill and Petite Chou and then you have arrived!

The "studio" space will be used for many things...a gallery, a meeting space, a shooting space, a framing store, and so much more! I am still working out all of the logistics, but will keep you posted as things unfold!

Also, I owe you fantastic blog readers an apology. Normally the blog would have been my first place to go to spill the beans, but in my excitement last week I updated my Facebook status to say I had signed the lease and then it all unfolded from there. If you are on FB please search for Sara Morris Photography and become a fan. It's a great community on there!

So, without further ado...


Lemongrass Photography said...

yippppeeeee! I am so excited for you!

Aung photography said...

when can i come see?