Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More from Kenya...

After my post yesterday, I had some requests to show more images from our wedding in Kenya. So, here you go! I didn't want to overload you, so here are some now and as I get out of the busy season and passed the holidays, I will share more of my own work from my visits there as well. The following are images by both Hilary Hurt and Pamela Mougin. I will probably get in trouble for posting this first one, because looking back we have all wondered why we (my cousin Megan, myself, sister Katie and cousin Ashlee) are hugging an elephant...but, it is a world famous elephant made by our dear friend Murray Grant. Again, to see work by both Hilary and Murray see my post below!
P.S. I have finally become smarter than Blogger! I have been struggling to learn how to increase the size of my images on the blog, and I think I have finally mastered it. The only problem is that on my itty bitty laptop it looks as if the images are cut off, but on my other computer it looks perfect. So, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on the image size! Some day soon I will have a whold new setup with a slidshow, but that is still a bit off! I want to know if I should go back to the smaller version. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

These are absolutely stunning! The one of the whole group with the car is so Annie Lebowitz (sp?)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Sara! I don't think I knew you got married in Kenya! What amazing shots!