Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Facebook thing...

Facebook is a world I have come to love.  I hesitated to join, even put my foot down for awhile. But, somehow, someway I was persuaded.  I have been able to reconnect with people that have been special to me throughout my life, but somehow I had slipped out of touch with.  It's a place where I can read what my friends are up to,  see pictures of their new babies, and just the other day I even watched the inauguration of our new President there.  So, tonight, while I should have been editing, i spent about an hour typing up 25 Things You May Not Know About Me.  It's been going around on Facebook, and today I was tagged!  So, I thought I would share with you.  Some things may not make sense as they are geared to Facebook readers, but you'll get the majority of it.  Here you go...

1. I love, love, love reading things like this! Yet, I hate writing them, and I definitely don't like tagging people to also do it. It reminds me of one of those forwards where if you don't send it to 25 other people in the next 25 seconds your world is going to end. But, I'm going to do it anyway! 

2. I once wrote a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. You can see it on my blog: www.saramorrisphotography.blogspot.com. I think it was probably easier to write that than it will be to write this. 

3. I am 32 years old, and I still tivo General Hospital each and every day. I don't always watch it, but it's there waiting just in case. 

4. I make up memories from my childhood. I don't know where they come from or why I do it, but it happens from time to time. I have been overheard telling a story of how my older sister lived with my parents in a trailer when she was first born. There's nothing wrong with that other than it never happened. Now I have to check with my sisters to see if things are real or imaginary. 

4. I have a memory of my Mom sitting outside my door when I was little while I fell asleep. I'm not sure if that one is real or not, but I love it and plan to sit outside my kids doors sometimes while they fall asleep. 

5. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. My five-year-old niece told her class how cool it was that her aunts could do this. 

6. I believe everyone should have an updated passport with them at all times. I am freaking out that mine has not been updated to Morris yet, and I have to part with it for 2 weeks. You never know when a travel opportunity will present itself. 

7. I was grounded in the 9th grade. During this grounding, I "had" to go to Philadelphia to attend a Duke game with my Dad. It just so happened Christian Laettner made a last second jump shot to beat out Kentucky 104-103 making it one of "the greatest college basketball games ever played."

8. I could live in the darkroom. In grad school it was one of my favorite places. I miss it not only because I haven't been in one for awhile, but mainly because as an art form traditional b/w printing is fading away. There is something incredibly magical about a b/w fiber print. And, there's also something magical about spending way too many hours, with your friends, in the dark, on chemical overload belting out Brittney Spears songs.

9. I sing as if I were on American Idol when I'm in the car. If Greg is there too, we harmonize and sometimes rap. 

10. My cats make me happy. I don't think of myself as a crazy cat person, but they have been with me since 2000 and I love them to pieces. They've flown 3 times and lived in 6 places. 

11. I hope to audition for The Amazing Race someday. My cousin, Megan, is going to be my partner when the time is right. I think we'd rock it. 

12. I recently started listening to The Grateful Dead again. It's been about 14 years since my entire collection was stolen from Morris Hall freshman year. I still love them, and still wonder who has my collection with the initials SF on every cd. 

13. I was cleaning out my "office" recently and found my collection of mixed tapes. I want to convert them to mp3's. Is this possible? I'm talking old recordings of the Hot 9 at 9. 

14. I love, love, love movie theater popcorn. Go to the movies, I won't share it. Pop it at home, I won't eat it.

15. My favorite part of a movie is when the title of the film is worked into the dialog. "The Perfect Storm" is a great example of this. Next time you are watching a movie wait for it and you'll understand. 

16. I am allergic to dryer sheets.

17. I ran away once. I was young, and we lived in Brookshire. No one noticed. 

18. The night I ran into Greg again, I knew my life was about to change. I had told Julie on the way to a party that something was going to happen that night, I just didn't know what it was. I am a lucky girl!

19. I could not survive without my sisters. They are my sanity and my world.

20. Oct./Nov. 2007 was one of the most incredible times in my life. I had the privilege of traveling with a dear friend's husband to bring home their new baby girl from China. I was completely honored that they would trust me with such precious cargo, and I am touched by their family every day.

21. When I read a book I have a hard time setting it down until I finish. I often read late into the night by the light of my headlamp. 

22. I am not a religious person, but I consider myself to be pretty spiritual. For example, I believe the family of giraffes that came to my wedding were my loved ones looking over me. Seriously.

23. I will watch Goonies anytime it is on. What's not to love about hunting treasure. 

24. I never thought I had a chance of getting into Photo School. Really thought it was a huge long shot, and didn't have a backup plan. I don't know how it happened, but I am glad it did. I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life than what I am doing now. My time in SF changed me, and those who I spent those 3 years with I will forever be grateful to. 

25. I have the best friends in the world. Such good friends, that as I am writing this they are popping up messages with things about myself that even I forgot.

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