Monday, March 9, 2009

The Power of Dance

So, I have a new calling in life.  For most of you who know me, I love to travel.  I love the adventure of new places, the colors and smells of unfamiliar lands, and I mostly love meeting the people along the journey and learning from them.  I was fortunate to learn at a young age that international traveling is very possible if you take the time to figure it out.  I can't believe I am just mentioning this now, for I have been so excited I can hardly stand it, but free time has not been on my side.  Greg and I are leaving for Thailand this Thursday!!!  I have a lot more to say about that in another post.  But, first I want to share with you my new friend Matt...well, we're not really friends but I hope to stalk him on the internet until we are.  And my new calling...someday I hope to be Matt.  You have to watch his video.  I have watched it 3 times will bring a smile to your face and your toes a tapping!!

1 comment:

Lyndsey Lewis said...

WOW, Thailand! I have some close friends that just moved to Malaysia...say hi to them for me! ;)
I've seen that video still moves me amazing!

Have fun on your trip!